For SIA Licensed Security Professionals
We provide you with an easy to use application that unlocks a community of Licensed Security Professionals and employers, enabling you to easily find work when and where you want it. You can rate your employers performance within the application. You can quickly find vacancies local to you or any area you wish to work, and quickly apply for those positions. By joining the network, you get easy access to well paying positions and a transparent system that lets you know just who you are dealing with at all times.
For Employers
You can hire local SIA Licensed Security Professionals directly through our network, knowing that they are fully licensed, You can advertise the jobs you have available to the entire network, you also get immediate notifications of new Security Professionals that join the network in your area, and can quickly find local people and offer them work directly. You can rate performance within the application. as well. Take the guesswork out of your security professional hiring, and be sure of licensed professionals every time through DSMesh.